On May 15th, as part of the European Commission‘s RUSTIK project, the EMD of Sant Miquel de Balenyà launched a survey on the town’s quality of life and created various participation channels for citizens.

Understanding the perception of public spaces, the use of local commerce, citizen participation, and the use of facilities, among other elements, is crucial to measuring social well-being.

Data collection is being carried out using the Maptionnaire tool, which facilitates the collection of georeferenced data on cartography and its subsequent analysis with geographic tools.

To reach the maximum population of Sant Miquel de Balenyà, a set of actions was already conducted in June at the school and with the town’s senior citizen groups, to include their voices in the participatory process.

The survey is expected to conclude at the end of July 2024 with a street event during the town’s Festa Major.

Based on a series of indicators divided into three major blocks, the aim is to arrive at a quality-of-life index to evaluate the impact of public services and investment projects in the town. The survey design and analysis are carried out jointly with the ERSILIA Foundation, a member of the RUSTIK project.

The first results of the quality of life survey will be published in September 2024 in Gallaret, the town’s magazine published by the EMD, where the results of the RUSTIK project are also being published.


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