Съвместни усилия на живите лаборатории на RUSTIK на Балканския полуостров

Collaborative Efforts of RUSTIK Living Labs on the Balkan Peninsula

“Живите лаборатории” на RUSTIK вече активно провеждат своите експерименти с данни, като търсят начини за осигуряване на нови данни, идентифициране на нови източници и проучването им чрез иновативни методи. Експериментите имат за цел да помогнат на селските райони да се справят по-добре с ключовите преходи и предизвикателства, които преживяват.

  • Съвместни усилия на живите лаборатории на RUSTIK на Балканския полуостров

Две от лабораториите на RUSTIK – Zajechar и Троян-Априлци-Угърчин (ТАУ), които се намират на Балканския полуостров, но от двете страни на сръбско-българската граница, идентифицираха за изследване общо предизвикателство – неизползвания потенциал за сътрудничество между участниците в хранително-вкусовата промишленост като ресурс за териториално развитие.

За да се запознаят по-добре с двете територии и с начина на провеждане на сравнителен експеримент с данни, членовете на двете МИГ, а именно RARIS – Агенцията за регионално развитие на Източна Сърбия и Департамента по аграрна икономика към Аграрният факултет на Белградския университет, Местната инициативна група Троян-Априлци-Угърчин и Катедрата по социология на Софийския университет “Свети Климент Охридски”, организираха среща, домакинствана от сръбските партньори.

По време на срещата двамата регионални партньори представиха основните си социално-икономически предизвикателства с акцент върху участниците и политиките, свързани с храните. Бяха обсъдени идентифицираните източници на данни, както и инструментите за събиране на данни (въпросници и ръководства за интервюта). Бяха обсъдени идеи и материали за по-нататъшно концептуализиране на идентифицираните данни, като например анализ на социалните мрежи за сътрудничество по късите вериги за доставка на храни.

Двете лаборатории решиха да събират набори от сравними данни, да проучат сходни източници на данни и да се съсредоточат върху сходни целеви групи при провеждането на експериментите си. Целта е да се идентифицират общите и различните аспекти на “балканския синдром” на неизследвания потенциал за сътрудничество между актьорите в агро-хранителните вериги.

RARIS и МИГ ТАУ представиха териториалните инструменти, които използват за подкрепа на местните участници, като например регионалната марка Balcanica Superior, действаща в Източна Сърбия, както и различни проекти, свързани с храните, разработени на територията на МИГ ТАУ.  Двамата регионални партньора – МИГ ТАУ и RARIS разчитат на проект РУСТИК да опознаят по-добре териториите си чрез данни и така да успеят да насочат подкрепа към местните участници в селските райони, които имат принос за подобряване работата на местните агро-хранителните вериги. Двамата партньори изразиха задоволство от това, че вече научат повече за своите територии, че вземат по-информирани решения и по-сигурно и широко използват данни, за да са по-ефективни в работата си.

Driving Sustainable Transitions: The Living Lab of Sant Miquel de Balenyà

Nestled in Seva municipality, Sant Miquel de Balenyà, with its modest population of 1,353, plays a pivotal role in Osona County‘s socio-economic and environmental shifts. This vibrant community, strategically located between Montseny and Plana de Vic, boasts a robust agri-industrial sector and participates actively in the RUSTIK project to tackle local challenges. 

Focus on Socio-Economic and Environmental Shifts 

Sant Miquel de Balenyà is witnessing dynamic demographic changes due to its strategic location and connectivity to major cities like Barcelona, Vic, and Granollers. Factories attract a workforce often exceeding the number of residents, and many secondary residences have become primary homes post-COVID-19. The town is also committed to green energy, with public buildings using wood chips from Montseny forests for boilers and the private sector investing in solar panels. However, water availability remains a critical issue requiring proactive management. 

Living Lab Challenge: Enhancing Quality of Life 

The Living Lab in Sant Miquel de Balenyà aims to improve the quality of life through social cohesion, equity, climate resilience, and balanced socio-economic competitiveness. The challenge is to refine territorial and urban planning to better address demographic shifts, the urban-industrial interface, and future infrastructural changes, with active citizen participation. 

Rationale and Challenges 

Despite its small size, Sant Miquel de Balenyà has a complex territorial pattern. An industrial area with over 30 industries lies close to residential zones. The construction of a bypass road to redirect heavy traffic away from the main street presents opportunities and risks, potentially impacting local businesses. 

Knowledge to Date and Policy Relevance 

The Living Lab’s foundation lies in existing planning documents like the Seva Urban Master Plan (POUM) and the Partial Territorial Plan of the Central Counties. Efforts are underway to advocate for policy changes granting EMDs the capability to approve modifications to Urban Master Plans, benefiting Sant Miquel de Balenyà and similar entities. 

Research Questions and Emerging Data Needs 

  • How can improvements in territorial and urban planning enhance social cohesion, equity, and quality of life? 
  • What measures can bolster community resilience to climate-related challenges? 
  • How can socio-economic competitiveness be balanced with social equity and inclusivity? 
  • What strategies can effectively engage the community in decision-making processes? 

To address these questions, detailed demographic, socio-economic, environmental, and mobility data are needed. Current data scarcity at the EMD scale poses a significant challenge, necessitating extensive fieldwork and community involvement in data collection. 

Capacities and Limitations 

While data scarcity is a primary limitation, the small geographic scale facilitates detailed fieldwork and community engagement. Existing data on land use, urban master plans, and energy efficiency certificates provide a foundational understanding. Innovative approaches, such as exploring big data sources and unconventional data collection methods, demonstrate adaptability in overcoming data gaps. 

Sant Miquel de Balenyà, with its vibrant industrial sector and dynamic population growth, is at the forefront of socio-economic and environmental transitions in Osona. Through the RUSTIK project, the town aims to address these challenges holistically, leveraging community involvement and innovative data collection methods. The ultimate goal is to enhance the quality of life for its residents, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future. 


The Sant Miquel de Balenyà EMD launches a survey to assess citizens’ perception of quality of life in the town

On May 15th, as part of the European Commission‘s RUSTIK project, the EMD of Sant Miquel de Balenyà launched a survey on the town’s quality of life and created various participation channels for citizens.

Understanding the perception of public spaces, the use of local commerce, citizen participation, and the use of facilities, among other elements, is crucial to measuring social well-being.

Data collection is being carried out using the Maptionnaire tool, which facilitates the collection of georeferenced data on cartography and its subsequent analysis with geographic tools.

To reach the maximum population of Sant Miquel de Balenyà, a set of actions was already conducted in June at the school and with the town’s senior citizen groups, to include their voices in the participatory process.

The survey is expected to conclude at the end of July 2024 with a street event during the town’s Festa Major.

Based on a series of indicators divided into three major blocks, the aim is to arrive at a quality-of-life index to evaluate the impact of public services and investment projects in the town. The survey design and analysis are carried out jointly with the ERSILIA Foundation, a member of the RUSTIK project.

The first results of the quality of life survey will be published in September 2024 in Gallaret, the town’s magazine published by the EMD, where the results of the RUSTIK project are also being published.


Fostering Social Inclusion and Tackling Food Waste in Slovenia’s Osrednjeslovenska Region

The Osrednjeslovenska region in Slovenia, with 25 municipalities and nine urban settlements, faces diverse challenges despite being densely populated. While some areas have well-developed central functions, others lack essential services, impacting living standards and increasing traffic congestion.

The Rustik Living Lab (LL) in Slovenia targets food loss and waste (FLW) and its connection to social inclusion and entrepreneurship. These issues were chosen for their societal relevance and to leverage partners’ strengths. The LL aims to address data gaps regarding rural poverty, access to food, and subjective quality of life.

Living Lab Challenge

The LL aims to link partners’ expertise in FLW and social inclusion to address the real-time acquisition of excess food and its redistribution to underprivileged rural segments. By assessing the impact on subjective well-being, the LL seeks to explore how social innovation in FLW management can improve the quality of life in vulnerable rural communities.


The chosen challenge reflects societal importance and partner expertise, focusing on dignity and social inclusion. Poverty, social exclusion, and limited access to quality food are more pronounced in rural areas. Urban areas may contribute significantly to FLW, presenting an opportunity for mutually beneficial relationships.

Data on FLW are often outdated, while information on social exclusion in rural areas is limited. Current estimates suggest around 10% of people are at risk of poverty in the region. Examining subjective well-being and social inclusion requires new approaches and social innovation.

Policy Relevance

Policy measures to mitigate poverty and FLW can benefit from concrete data on FLW prevention and subjective well-being improvement. Improved well-being could address other policy issues like rural out-migration and limited access to services. The LL aims to develop replicable good practices for policy implementation.

Research Questions

  • How can excess food be provided to those in need while preserving dignity and promoting social inclusion?
  • What is the relationship between food, access to food, and subjective well-being, and how can it be measured?

Data gaps exist in real-time information on excess food availability and the needs of rural communities. Acquiring sensitive data ethically and ensuring confidentiality pose challenges.

Emerging software solutions offer insights into food waste mitigation. Consultations with institutions working with marginalized groups will explore ways to reach individuals in need while protecting confidentiality and dignity.

The Rustik Living Lab in Slovenia addresses pressing societal issues by tackling FLW and promoting social inclusion. By leveraging data and social innovation, the LL aims to create replicable good practices that inform policy and improve the well-being of rural communities.

Enhancing Rural Development in Serbia’s Zaječar District: Focus on Short Food Supply Chains and Tourism

Map of the Living Lab in Zaječar District

The Zaječar district, in eastern Serbia, encompasses four municipalities with around 97,000 inhabitants. Despite distinct economic dynamics, they share challenges like lower wages, fewer employees, and higher aging rates compared to the national average. The district’s economy relies heavily on agriculture, the processing industry, and services, with significant potential for tourism development.

Economic and Demographic Challenges

The primary challenge is demographic decline, which negatively impacts rural communities, the economy, and natural resources. The Rustik Living Lab (LL) aims to restructure the economy towards high-value activities and labor-intensive services, focusing on tourism and establishing short food supply chains (SFSC).

The LL seeks to integrate the agricultural sector into tourism, benefiting local communities and small businesses. The current challenge is the low representation of local producers in meeting tourist market demands, leading to product sourcing from other regions. By collecting field data, the LL aims to enable evidence-based decision-making, policy development, and improved supply chain coordination.

Strategy Alignment

This initiative aligns with the “Strategy for the Development of the Urban Area of the City of Zaječar and the Municipalities of Knjaževac, Boljevac, and Sokobanja,” aiming to enhance business infrastructure, promote innovation, and establish value chains. RARIS, a key tourism development actor, will benefit from new data, improving decision-making and policy evaluation.

The region’s agriculture is dominated by small family farms focused on cattle, fruit, and grape production. Traditional sectors like meat and dairy are in decline. Focus groups identified supply chain problems, including insufficient trust among partners and lack of stable business relationships.

Policy Relevance

Addressing SFSC in agricultural policy and tourism development is crucial. As Serbia aligns its policies with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), integrating SFSC ensures compliance and addresses local challenges. Promoting local gastronomic identity through SFSC can boost economic growth and enhance tourism.

Research Questions

  • What is the market potential for local sourcing in the Zaječar district tourism food supply chain?
  • Which products should be prioritized for local sourcing?
  • How can networking within SFSC enhance local agriculture and tourism integration?
  • What changes are needed to make SFSC more sustainable and competitive?

There is a lack of comprehensive data on food supply chain participants, their capacities, and tourist demand for local food. The LL will review municipal databases and conduct surveys to gather necessary data.

The Zaječar district’s focus on developing SFSC and integrating them with tourism presents a significant opportunity for rural development. By addressing existing challenges and leveraging new data, the Rustik Living Lab aims to create a sustainable local food system that enhances economic growth and tourism.

Enhancing Rural Development through Innovative Data Experiments: Collaborative Efforts of RUSTIK Living Labs on the Balkan Peninsula

Collaborative Efforts of RUSTIK Living Labs on the Balkan Peninsula

The RUSTIK Living Labs (LLs) are now actively conducting their data experiments, looking at how to provide new data, identify new sources and explore them using innovative methods. The experiments aim to help rural areas better manage key transitions and challenges they are experiencing.

Collaborative Efforts of RUSTIK Living Labs on the Balkan Peninsula

Two of the RUSTIK laboratories – Zajechar and Troyan-Aprilsti-Ugarchin (TAU), both located on the Balkan Peninsula but on either side of the Serbo-Bulgarian border, have identified a similar transitional challenge – the unexplored potential for cooperation between food-related actors as a resource for territorial development.

In order to get to know both territories better and how to conduct a comparative data experiment, the members of the two LLs, namely RARIS – Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade and Local Action Group Troyan-Apriltsi-Ugarchin and the Department of Sociology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, organised a meeting hosted by Serbian partners.

During the meeting, both LLs presented their key socio-economic challenges with a focus on food-related actors and policies. Identified data sources were discussed together with instruments for data collection (questionnaires and interview guides). Ideas and materials for further conceptualisation of the identified data were discussed, such as social network analysis of short food supply chain collaborations.

Both laboratories have decided to obtain comparable data sets, explore similar data sources and focus on similar target groups when conducting their experiments. The aim is to identify common and different aspects of the ‘Balkan syndrome’ of unexplored potential for collaboration.

RARIS and LAG TAU have presented territorial instruments they use to support local actors, such as the regional brand Balcanica Superior operating in Eastern Serbia and various food-related projects developed on the TAU territory. Both RUSTIK LLs therefore expect to support local actors in rural areas, both public and private, collective and individual, business and policy makers, to learn more about their territories, make better informed decisions and adopt data-driven solutions.

Unlocking the Potential of Rural Tourism in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship embraces tourism as a beacon of hope amidst demographic challenges. From industrial vigor to rustic allure, join us on a journey of renewal and regeneration.

The Świętokrzyskie region, nestled in the heart of Poland, boasts a unique blend of industrial vigor in the north and rustic charm in the south. Encompassing vast expanses of land and numerous protected areas, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship offers an enticing mix of environmental splendor and cultural heritage. However, amidst its scenic beauty lies a socio-economic challenge that demands attention and strategic intervention.

The foremost concern facing the region is the adverse demographic trends plaguing its rural areas. Migration outflows, an aging populace, and dwindling birth rates have collectively contributed to a significant decline in population over the past two decades. The exodus of young residents, coupled with a burgeoning elderly demographic, paints a stark picture of the region’s demographic dilemma.

Recognizing the urgency of this issue, stakeholders have identified rural tourism as a potential catalyst for positive change. Tourism, with its promise of economic diversification and job creation, emerges as a beacon of hope amidst demographic gloom. By leveraging the region’s untapped tourism resources, stakeholders aim to not only arrest but reverse the tide of negative demographic trends.

The strategic roadmap for rural tourism development in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is underpinned by a holistic approach aimed at enhancing the region’s attractiveness, particularly among the younger populace. Initiatives to improve overall quality of life, bolster employment opportunities, and enhance access to essential services and cultural amenities are pivotal in this endeavor. Creating an environment conducive to attracting and retaining new residents is paramount to the region’s revitalization.

The Living Lab Challenge serves as a crucible for innovation, envisioning rural tourism as a transformative force capable of reshaping the region’s socio-economic landscape. By fostering the development of tourism infrastructure and promoting collaboration networks, the initiative seeks to elevate the region’s profile as a premier tourist destination. Moreover, through targeted marketing efforts and brand-building exercises, stakeholders aim to spotlight the myriad attractions of rural Świętokrzyskie.

Central to this initiative is the gathering of pertinent data to inform decision-making and guide policy formulation. While existing knowledge on rural tourism in the region remains scant, efforts are underway to conduct comprehensive research and data collection. Through social surveys, interviews, and meticulous inventorying of agritourism facilities, stakeholders endeavor to glean invaluable insights into tourist preferences, infrastructure needs, and the spatial distribution of resources.

In charting the course ahead, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship stands poised at a crossroads, armed with the collective resolve to harness the transformative potential of rural tourism. As the region embarks on this journey of renewal and regeneration, it does so with a steadfast commitment to shaping a brighter, more vibrant future for generations to come.

Rural revival in Galicia: Navigating Land Fragmentation for Sustainable Development

Map of Spain with a marker for Galicia 's Living Lab

In an ambitious effort to address rural decline and mitigate wildfire risks, Galicia ‘s Pilot Region is pioneering a multifaceted approach to land management. Spanning 20 municipalities across the southern expanse of the region, this initiative aims to revitalize socio-economic structures while safeguarding the environment.

At the heart of this endeavor lies a complex interplay between land use and ownership patterns. With over a million land plots scattered across 2,653 square kilometers, Galicia grapples with staggering fragmentation, hindering the development of an active agricultural sector. Despite a significant presence of landowners – numbering over 110,000 – farming activities have dwindled, with only 5,700 active farms reported in 2020.

Population dynamics further compound these challenges, with rural areas experiencing steady depopulation driven by aging demographics and youth emigration in pursuit of better opportunities. Yet, amidst this exodus, a glimmer of hope emerges: a positive net migration rate fueled by retirees returning to their roots.

The challenges

Recognizing the urgent need for intervention, Galicia’s regional administration has embarked on a comprehensive strategy, enacting legislation aimed at reclaiming agricultural land and fostering sustainable practices. Central to this effort are “model settlements” designed to encourage agricultural activity near communities, curbing vegetation encroachment and mitigating wildfire threats.

However, the road to rural revitalization is fraught with obstacles. Accessing vital information on land ownership proves arduous, while high transaction costs deter prospective farmers. Yet, the potential benefits are undeniable. Studies suggest that a resurgence in farming could bolster municipal economies by over 2.5%, breathing new life into struggling communities.

Moreover, the environmental stakes are high. As farmlands lie fallow, forests encroach, exacerbating wildfire risks exacerbated by climate change-induced droughts.

In response, Galicia’s Living Lab initiative embarks on a quest to reconcile land use and ownership. By leveraging existing data and engaging landowners, the aim is to unlock the untapped potential of underused land, fostering a symbiotic relationship between rural communities and their surroundings.

As Galicia charts a course towards a more sustainable future, the Pilot Region stands as a beacon of innovation, demonstrating the transformative power of collective action in the face of formidable challenges.

Empowering Szydłowiecki Powiat: Unleashing Potential Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Exciting times ahead for Szydłowiecki Powiat! Join us as we embark on a journey of entrepreneurship, innovation, and community empowerment. Together, let's unlock the region's hidden potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

Nestled in the south-western corner of the Mazowieckie voivodeship lies the Szydłowiecki powiat. A district brimming with potential yet facing its fair share of socio-economic and demographic challenges. With a strategic position along the vital S7 express road, connecting major cities like Warsaw and Kraków, this region holds promise for development. However, to harness this potential fully, a transition from a traditional farming-based economy to a more diversified and modern economic landscape is imperative.

Challenges and Opportunities:

The main challenge facing the Szydłowiecki powiat is its transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to one that is more production and consumption-oriented. This transition demands not only economic restructuring but also an increase in spatial mobility and job opportunities. Despite its strategic location, economic dynamics have been sluggish, leading to high unemployment rates, particularly among the youth. Moreover, the district grapples with population outflow, aging demographics, and infrastructure deficiencies.

However, within these challenges lie opportunities for growth. The Living Lab initiative aims to tap into these opportunities by focusing on entrepreneurship development, leveraging the region’s natural resources, cultural heritage, and strengthening local networks. With five municipalities, each with its unique strengths and proximity to urban centers, there’s potential for economic revitalization.

Living Lab: A Path to Transformation:

The Living Lab initiative seeks to address these challenges head-on by fostering entrepreneurship, promoting local heritage, and enhancing connectivity. By harnessing natural resources like sandstone, iron ore, and chocolate flint abundant in Orońsko municipality, the region can drive economic and social development. Additionally, raising awareness about local cultural heritage and traditions can attract tourism and stimulate local businesses.

Research Questions and Data Needs:

To guide this transformative journey, several research questions need to be addressed:

  • What are the essential components of local development potential?
  • Which best practices from other regions can be adapted to address local challenges?
  • What new data sources and collection methods are needed to understand the local challenge better?
  • Which data is essential to develop a local index of entrepreneurship development potential?

Empowering through Data and Collaboration:

Access to diverse data sources and collaboration among stakeholders are crucial for informed decision-making. The Living Lab will leverage secondary data, spatial information, primary data from surveys and interviews, and additional tools like Maptionnaire to fill existing data gaps. Collaboration with local communities, businesses, research institutions, and public administrations will ensure that solutions are tailored to real needs and expectations.

Building Capacities for Success:

Success in this endeavor requires building partnerships, digital competencies, and openness to modern marketing trends. By embracing innovation, creative solutions, and fostering partnerships, the Living Lab aims to unlock the full potential of Szydłowiecki powiat.

In conclusion, the Living Lab initiative holds the key to unlock the latent potential of Szydłowiecki powiat. Through entrepreneurship, leveraging natural resources, and preserving cultural heritage, this region can pave the way for sustainable development and prosperity. With collaborative efforts and data-driven insights, the journey towards transformation begins, promising a brighter future for generations to come.

Rhein-Hunsrück Region in Germany: Addressing Socio-Economic Transitions and Bridging the Gap Between Businesses and Young Talent

Living lab of Rhein-Hunsrück Region in Germany

Embarking on a journey into the heart of Germany, the Rhein-Hunsrück region emerges as a captivating landscape of both challenges and potential. Nestled in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, this predominantly rural district stands at the forefront of socio-economic and demographic transitions, navigating complexities in the face of an ageing population and a shifting employment landscape. With a keen focus on addressing these challenges, the Rhein-Hunsrück region is looking for solutions trough is participation in the RUSTIK project.

The  collaboration between the Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (IFLs) and the Regionalrat Wirtschaft Wirtschaftsförderung, which oversees regional economic development, aims to unravel the intricacies of socio-economic transition processes, offering a unique perspective shaped by the region’s economic development efforts and an extensive network of stakeholders. Join us as we delve into the dynamics of Rhein-Hunsrück, where the journey towards sustainable change unfolds against the backdrop of demographic shifts and the pursuit of a more vibrant, attractive future for both businesses and the emerging workforce.

Key District Statistics:

  • Area: 99,107 hectares
  • Population Density: 107.3 inhabitants/km²
  • Population: 64,568 enterprises
  • Majority: Nearly 4,430 small and very small businesses (fewer than 50 employees)
  • Larger Businesses: Only 21 with more than 250 employees

Transition Focus: Socio-economic and Demographic Challenges:

Facing socio-economic and demographic challenges, Rhein-Hunsrück experiences a shortage of skilled workers across various industries, with unfilled training and apprenticeship positions. The region, while economically sound, struggles to attract and retain a diverse workforce.

Living Lab Challenge: Bridging Gaps in Talent and Job Opportunities

Within the Rhein-Hunsrück region, the pivotal challenge focuses on addressing the mismatch between job opportunities and the skilled workforce. Despite the region’s favorable economic standing, there’s a shortage of skilled workers across various industries, with unfilled training and apprenticeship positions adding to the complexity. The challenge also extends to essential services, particularly in medical and nursing care, raising concerns about the region’s ability to attract and retain talent. This Living Lab endeavors to analyze this “mismatching problem” comprehensively, aiming to understand the specific needs and aspirations of both local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and diverse groups of young individuals. By exploring innovative solutions, the Living Lab seeks to strengthen connections, foster collaboration, and initiate new networks to overcome these challenges.

Rationale and Policy Relevance:

As a crucial link between economic development and creating an attractive living and working environment, the Living Lab addresses challenges identified through discussions with local stakeholders. The project aligns with state-level strategies for skilled workers and demographic change, recognizing the need for holistic solutions.

Research Questions and Emerging Data Needs:

The Living Lab seeks to answer questions about challenges faced by SMEs in filling training and job vacancies, the requirements of young people in the region, and how new data can improve the match between supply and demand. Emerging data needs include detailed insights from both enterprises and young people.

Data Availability and Limitations:

While statistical data on apprenticeships, job openings, and demographic information is available, limitations exist in linking this data at the NUTS 3 level. The challenge lies in obtaining accurate information about job seekers and apprenticeship seekers, as not all positions are reported to employment agencies.

The Living Lab Rhein-Hunsrück represents a proactive effort to bridge the gap between available opportunities and the potential workforce, ensuring a sustainable and vibrant future for the region.